The First (and Greatest) X-Man


Real name: Scott "Slim" Summers 
Occupation: Pilot, Adventurer  


13     STR      3
18     DEX     24
20     CON     20
11     BODY     2
18     INT      8
14     EGO      8
15     PRE      5
12     COM      1
 6     PD       3
 6     ED       2
 4     SPD     12
 8     REC      2
36     END     -2
30     STUN     2
Characteristics Cost: 90

Powers, Skills and Equipment:
        * OIF- Visor (-1/2)
        # Everyman Skill

 16     EC- Optic Blasts (20), Not v. Ruby Quartz (-1/4)
 38a)*  10d6 Energy Blast v. PD, Personal Immunity, 0 END             0
 11b)*  Missile Deflection vs. All, At Range
 23c)*  18 STR TK, 0 END, Only To Push (-1/2)                         0 
        linked to
        3d6 EB, Continuous, Personal Immunity, 0 END, Beam Effect     0
 20d)   5d6 Energy Blast vs. PD, Continuous, Pesonal Immunity, 
        0 End Pesistent, Always On, Beam Effect, Only when Glasses
        or Visor is Removed (-1)                                      0

  5     Mental Defense (8 points)
  2     +1" Running (7" total)                                        1

  3     Combat Pilot 13-
  3     Computer Programming 13- 
  2#    Deduction 13-    
 15     Find Weakness w/ 10d6 EB 12-
  2     SC: Spatial Geometry 11-
  3     Systems Operation 13- 
  2#    Stealth 13-
  3     Tactics 13-
 12     4 levels with EC 

Powers Cost: 160


Base Points: 100
10     Distinctive,"Mutant" (easily concealable,major)
20     Hunted: Magneto (more powerful, NCI, 8-)
10     Hunted: The Sentinels (as powerful, 8-)
10     Watched: Professor X (more powerful, 11-, x1/2)
20     Psych Lim: Loyal to Professor X (Common, total)
15     Psych Lim: Feels Responsible for the actions of the X-Men    
       (Common, Strong)
15     Psych Lim: In love with Jean Grey (common, strong)
15     Secret ID (Scott Summers)
15     Rivalry: Wolverine (Professional and Romantic, PC)
10     Rep: X-Man (8-, extreme) 
Disadvantages Total: 150

Total Points: 250
Cyclops created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Property of Marvel Comics.
Write-up by Daniel Palacio.
Layout inspired by Mathew Ignash.